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Office Number: (03) 9077 4834 | After Hours Number: 0434 701 484
Office Number: (03) 9077 4834
After Hours Number: 0434 701 484
Emma Turnbull Lawyers
4.8 Over 145 Reviews

Our Cases

A large number of the cases the firm defends are serious indictable crimes heard in the County and Supreme Courts. The links below contain a representative sample of matters where Emma Turnbull Lawyers have represented the accused which are available online.

Please note that these are reported decisions where an accused person has either pleaded guilty or been found guilty by a jury.  Our countless acquittals and cases where charges are withdrawn are not recorded in the law reports.

These examples are provided so that you can have confidence in our broad experience and expertise in high level and complex matters in addition to the more straightforward Magistrates’ Court matters.